it definitly be differebt wii colors cause why would they send that message to people who already own a wii?
Who else has already pre ordered Super Mario Galaxy or Super Smash Bros Brawl or both. Ive pre ordered both
So on Wednesday Nintendo had a press conference and there was supposed to be an annoucment does anybody know what it was?
First off why would the phone have the A and B buttons and the D-Pad and the picture is only a wii-mote with the number on it
First off Reggie never said to be ready for the suprise of a life time. He jsut said expect somthing new stop over hyping and just hope for the best. My thought is probally a new wii channel
As well all know tommorow Nintendo is holding a press conference. My question is is Gamespot or any website on the internet gonna have it to watch?
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