I'm sick of sheep boasting about how good the Wii is and how its so Hardcore, lets look at its flaws.
Dated Hardware.
Has worse online then PS2.
Worse graphics then gamecube.
Basically no 3rd party support except for gimmicks like pony adventures.
Targeted at kids and casuals.
Wii music.
Poor value compared to 360 and PS3, all it does it play things that are meant to play games while PS3 and 360 are also multimedia machines and HD.
1st party games that wouldn't interest anyone over 12 (Animal crossing, Zelda)
Games like Zelda which you boast are good are nothing compared to revolutionary games pushing technology forward like Fallout 3.
The gimmicky motion control is unresponsive and the biggest games don't even need it or only use it for the sake of it like SSBB, Twilight Princess and Galaxy.
All games possible Last Gen.
Did I mention Wii Music?.
Now let me guess what your thinking but but w--we are dominating sales. Dont even bring that unto it because minus the grandma's, Soccer moms, Girls and Kids there would be about 3 million.
You just have to put Wii Music.
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