It's been over a month. And I got my XBOX360 from the repairs center last nite. It seems to be working fine. I also assume that it is my console and not a replacement because I didn't even have to recover my gamertag, I rather had my old console back anyways, knowing that I took good care of it and not some other console that who knows what happend to it originally and how much damage took from the original owners. :? I was starting to get bored already of playing Halo 2. I have other games I wanted to play too, such as Forza 2. One good thing about it is that they enclosed a 1 month free XBL card so it covers for that month that I paid for and couldn't play any games other than Halo 2 on my 360. And of course a Survey I intend to fill out and let them know about their "Amazing" :roll: tech support.
Da1ShrpSh0trGrl Blog
One of my very first FM2 Designs
by Da1ShrpSh0trGrl on Comments
This weekend I took some, a lot :roll: of time to figure out how to make some designs for cars. It's time consuming but fun. Here are two pics of one of the 3 different designs I made.
BREAKING NEWS!! MIcrosoft Extends 360 Warranty to 3 Years for EVERYONE!
by Da1ShrpSh0trGrl on Comments
I got the breaking news from and couldn't believe it. I figured you gus must know we all had issues we our XBOX 360 and this is like a sweet melody for our ears.
If you ask me I say that it's finally hurting their bussiness and that's why they took action. About time. You guys should see the huge ammount of complaints about this issue in multiple sites including And how the tech support is not the best and how they can't hardly speak English. Did Anybody else had this issue? Becuase I did. Btw, my XBOX 360 died with the 3 rings too. :(Microsoft Admits Hardware Issue, Extends 360 Warranty
Includes retroactive reimbursement for previous machines.ByPatrick Klepek,07/05/2007
Microsoft announced today they are extending all Xbox 360 warranties to three years, a policy that not only applies to new consoles but retroactively, as well. If you've had to pay for Microsoft to repair the red ring issue in the past, they will pay you back. At 2:30 p.m. PST, Microsoft will hold a teleconference to announce this.
"As a result of what Microsoft views as an unacceptable number of repairs to Xbox 360 consoles, the company conducted extensive investigations into potential sources of general hardware failures," said the company in a statement. "Having identified a number of factors which can cause general hardware failures indicated by three red flashing lights on the console, Microsoft has made improvements to the console and is enhancing its Xbox 360 warranty policy for existing and new customers."
Getting the gaming fix
by Da1ShrpSh0trGrl on Comments
First off I hope that everyone enjoyed the 4th of July. As for me I think this weekend I will be doing some hardcore gaming. I want to play until I can't no more for countless hours. My console it's still at the repairs center but I my my friend's 360 for the whole weekend so I will be playing some 360 games. It's funny how many games I can stack in my shelf but I will not play them at all. And it wasn't until my 360 console broke down that I said to myself:"Darn! I haven't play this game in a while!" So am gonna put quite a few of then on that tray and play them for a bit. But mostly Forza, so if you wanna play let me know :) I probably give a chance to the online racing since I haven't yet. 8)
RIP XBOX 360, among other lucky events...
by Da1ShrpSh0trGrl on Comments
Well... It's nice that after waiting for almost two weeks without Internet last Tuesday afternoon FINALLY Verizon got my service installed. Anyways, the excitement was just too much. During that time I borrowed my friend's Forza 2. Played for quite a bit offline and loved the game. I even went over to his place and played a bit offline but still connected to XBL. Last week I decided to finally buy Forza 2. And a few days before my service was connected my XBOX 360 breaks. Not cool at all... :( I just got the game. And now it's still factory sealed while my XBOX 360 was shipped yesterday to Texas for "repairs":roll: Funny thing... I only had that XBOX for about 10 months and a half. All of the sudden I start getting 3 rings and freezing. I guess until then I will be playing in my friend's XBOX 360 whenever we get together for gaming. And we will play his Forza until my XBOX arrive. Then I will finally enjoy that feeling of satisfaction that I get every time when I tear the wrap of a brand new game. Btw, I also pre ordered Halo 3. I do have an original XBOX still but for some reason I can't recover my gamertag... If I can only do that I can still play some Halo 2 onlline. If anyone know what might be going on here please let me know. Enjoy the summer gamespottians!
catching up with things
by Da1ShrpSh0trGrl on Comments
Hello everyone,
Here just following on with what I have been up to. I will start a few weeks back with my two new hobbies TKD and electric planes. I can say am very satisfied with the progress on Tae Kwon Do and I really enjoy it. About electric planes am a bit disappointed the same day I got it, the same day I broke it. I did some research and found out that the site where I bought my model from "raindentech" usually sells you an imitation of a model wich they assemble in China, imitation so cheaply made it's not even funny. This plane I bought wasn't that expensive but definitely it was not worth the money so when it comes to day I just take it easy for now on that until I cool off about that kinda discouraged me.
When it comes to games, I downloaded a free copy of Aegis Wingand it's not bad at all and even better it's FREE so hurry and get your copy on the XBL Marketplace since it's limited time only. Hopefully it's not too late. Also I got to enjoy my Halo 3 Beta, so far so good and I will be loading up a gameplay vid so that you guys can take a look. Maps are not bad and even though I have seen a few glitches and graphics still need some work It looks promising. Speaking of uploading videos I also uploaded my very fist video ever which I used to get familiarized with video making and editing. And I also got an emblem for it. :) Well for now that's all folks. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Tolkien's Token Emblem
by Da1ShrpSh0trGrl on Comments
If you watched the Lord of the Rings Online live marathon expect to get the following emblem. :D
One broadcast to rule them all.
For watching the Lord of the Rings Online live marathon with Kevin VanOrd.
Tagger King this days.
by Da1ShrpSh0trGrl on Comments
What took me a long time finally came thru...
Tagger King
Awarded to those who've exhaustively used with the tagging system, enabling themselves and others to make it a whole lot easier to find certain content .
When it comes to games I have been playing Halo 2 and Oblivion. I also watched the new trailer for COD 4, it looks good but I definitely will rent the game first. I just realized that great games are not as fun if match making sucks or you can't play it with your friends. It seems like the gaming industry is beginning to forget that part. Hopefully this won't be the case. I also decided to buy a radio controlled plane. That should be fun. I got a beginners one so it wasn't that expensive. I will post some pics when it arrives. Anyways, I just love my hobbies I try to keep it as interesting as I can.
Sitting on Level 20
by Da1ShrpSh0trGrl on Comments
SharpShooterGrl +Guitar Hero II = Disapointment!
by Da1ShrpSh0trGrl on Comments
Ok... So I guess I was happy about Guitar Hero II earlier. Guess what??? Not anymore! I am disappointed with the darn thing. I paid about $90.00 after taxes for a game that definitely did not meet my expectations. Why? Tell you why:
I was not able to do chat thru the guitar unless I had the game running. Why would you like to chat on a game that has such a horrible static every two to 5 mins and you can't understand anything at all during that time.
A guitar cable that is about 5 feet long. I will love to sit down on the sofa, or just stand back for a bit but... The cable is too short. I have a solution though. Get a USB cable extension. It's just a few more bucks after paying 90 dollars for the game itself...
So yeah... You need XBOX live, and you have a headset port right on the guitar, but you can't play Co-op unless you are on the same console. NICE ONE! Am just gonna have my friend over EVERY DAY so we can play. C'mon Red Octane! You know you did it just so you can release another one with online Co-op. Me and my friend spent soo much money just so we can play online and we didn't even get to. :( He even tried to find where he can download additional songs from and it was not available. I must say for such a cheap looking guitar, no online gaming, when even UNO has online gaming and some much distortion during chat when Halo 2 is an original XBOX game and the chat is better, it's pretty lame from Guitar Hero II to have this issues, when waaay cheaper games have done above and beyond this. I tell you what, tomorrow am going back to the store I want my money back. Guitar Hero II definitely not worth $90.00! Be aware fellow gamers, it is not worth that much money.
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