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Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.

I really need to buy some more memory for my xb1 I have all these games I don't have room to play and buying

anyway I just purchased Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (xb1) and the season pass and that still doesn't get me everything because of 2 extra passes wanted the game but too wrapped up in Dragon Ball FighterZ to play the 1st game, so sad.

Games with Gold repeat.

2 out of the 3 games available for Games with Gold

1 I've already purchased and 2 was on GwG already leaving me with just Celeste as the new game.

while I've purchased previous GwG offerings before I'd wish they would make dlc free or discounted for the price of the game if you already purchased or have already granted it would probably need to be a digital copy for live to recognize the game is owned already.

making a game go a 2nd as a free game there are plenty of games but as was mentioned on trueachievements.com some who were not around with gold welcome the 2nd chance to get a free game.

Downloaded Pinball FX3(XB1)

and some of my 360 tables got imported for free, All the Star Wars tables that I owned previously were imported to XB1 (1 group I did not buy) 3 tables in Marvel (I was disappointed seeing how many of those I do own previously) and the Alien tables plus a few others.

Wonder Boy/ Monster World= Monster Boy?

Ok I've missed out on the Wonder Boy games aka the Monster World series and actually purchased the Wonder Boy the Dragon's Trap (XB1) and last month games with gold gave me Sega Vintage Collection Monster World and this game Monster Boy in the Cursed Kingdom got pushed back well the title sounds similar but not quite the same and the article at Trueachievements.com said this game is related to the series.

Digging on Wikipedia SEGA owns the rights to Wonder Boy but they apparently have nothing to do with this although the same developers are behind the game based on game which needed a name change something something about booze in the title. while I was not sure before i'll try to keep an eye on this one.

GwG august 18 freebies

well its the middle of the month I already had Forza Horizon 2 now updated to the 10 -year anniversary, xb1 , For Honor xb1 and Dead Space 3 (I got the whole series because of Games with Gold (and too scared to play any of 'em) and Epic Mickey 2 the power of two is now mine!

Xbox E3 Sale.

I picked up Titanfall 2 for $6.00

and Forza Motorsport 6 for 19. and some change.

and used some MS rewards to get Titanfall 2 for free and knocked 2 bux off of FM6.

To follow my last Movie blog...

Ready Player One : pretty awesome if you're a game this will be like wreck it Ralph you'll be trying to spot everything in there and the story was decent too.

nothing after the credits while I think there are more books the story told what needed to be said in a pretty awesome trip.

I've seen Avengers Infinity War as good as they say Marvel style bonus at the end.

Deadpool 2 The next day! If you've seen the first you know what to expect foul language and all, but still a fun trip. bonus scenes during credits.

Solo : A Star Wars Story don't know why everyone gave it a hard time, but it was enjoyable for me easter eggs in the film no bonus stuff during or after credits.

Most of the stuff I missed i'm on the hold list for Tomb

So sick...

I wanted to go to the movies, but because of this nasty cough I don't wanna be 'THAT GUY' coughing in the theatre so hopefully the reluctant bug leaves me (I've been throwing lots of stuff at it, with next to no results and of course all the advice I've been getting and still it persists )

the films I wanna catch are Tomb Raider, Pacific Rim Uprising and Ready Player One.