Zelda is pretty much my favourite game series, so here we go.
Wind Waker has the best NPCs and graphics. Dungeons were disappointing and the game felt unfinished at parts (trifoce quest). But the side quests were great, and the game felt alive in many ways. Seriously Nintendo, the Wind Waker artstyle is perfect for Zelda (except on DS, yuck. Skyward Sword is pretty close though, really happy with the style they went with.
Spirit Tracks had great dungeons, boss fights, items and the best Zelda. Too bad the overworld and train transportation got repetitive and stopped being fun pretty fast.
Phantom Hourglass was...Well the boat was superior to the train. Lineback was alright too. Dungeons weren't that good, and it was too easy. Multiplayer was fun for a bit. Probably the worst Zelda I've played.
Twilight Princess had the best dungeons in any Zelda. Still think the game has some neat graphic effects, but it hasn't aged too well. Midna is a great character, side quests sucked and the overworld felt empty and barren. Unlike Wind Waker, this game felt dead in many ways. But still the dungeons, puzzles and bosses were fantastic.
Ocarina of Time is a classic. Even though the new Zeldas are superior in many ways, I still think this is the most polished and balanced 3D zelda. A lot of great memories have been made because of this title too.
Even though Majora's Mask only has 4 dungeons, and only one of them is really great, this is still the best 3D Zelda. The groundhog day mechanic is genious, the world felt more alive then any other game, and you get to roll around as a freakin' goron.
Link To The Past is the perfect Zelda game. That is all that needs to be said.
So basically my list is
Link to the Past>Majora's Mask>Ocarina of Time>Wind Waker=Twilight Princess>Spirit Tracks>Phantom Hourglass.
I never really understand how people can complain about the Zelda formula being the same over the past 10 years or so, when the dungeon formula is so good and hardly any other developers even attempt it. I also think this "realization" has been made because of Twilight Princes, and how it doesn't really set an identity for itself, it is pretty much OoT 2.
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