Hmm well yer im bored and was gonna write this a few days ago but then a friend cam by n i closed the window anyways heres just so info and yer just yer..enjoy i guess?
Real Name: Kyle Bacon
Nicknames: Da Bacon Master, DBM, Bacon Master, Bacon, Bacon Box Man, Bacos
Other Nicknames as a joke (from girls in my year) B*tch, Skank, S*ut, Mole and Kylie but probley heaps more
Birthday: 28th of June 1990 (turning 18 this year)
Platforms i own: PC,PS2,PSP,NES,GB,GBC
Kind of Games i like: Wrestling/Fighting/Beat em up, Action,other games i just dont know what there genre are lol
Started Gaming: hmm rougly 6 yrs old thats when i got my 1st PC i had played on NES witch was jrassic park (how eva thats spelt) so mighta been my first game i was hmm maybe 2 or 3 and i still rember playing it and wat it looked like and all..
Games i played when i was 6:
SF2 (ive never been able 2 find the version i had wish i still had them 2 disks =[..)
Some Racing Car Game dont know the name of it
Some Monkey Game cant rember the name of it lol
Duke Nukem 3D (lol finished it with cheats still pretty good for a 6 year old i guess?)
Sonic & Knuckles Collection (demo but later in my life i got the full game it was cool)
Rayman 1&2 (think they wer demos)
Doom 1&2
Simpsons Doom (never been able 2 find screenshots of the simpsons doom i had =[..)
heaps more ether were shareware or full version games or demos
What do i wanna do when i leave home and get a job: hmm well i wanna learn C++ so i can make my own programs and games and also want to go to this place so i can learn how to do all that (C++ is just a computer lang used moslty for Games and Programs)
Where do i see myself in 5 years or more: knowing my luck none of the stuff i want to happen will happen so ill probley just be a bum and probley be dead or die when im 21..ahh quite sad aint it lol
any more info: well yer dunno wat else 2 write ask me and ill answer it in the comments
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