Have you tried Burnout Paradise. I don't know if it is considered a racing sim. More of a joy ride kind of game. Its really good though.Ronin893 Already Have... I'm looking for a Sim i guess I will have to try Ferrari...
Looking for a racing SIM!I already have GT Prologue and Formula 1.Ferrari?Grid?Any suggestions?Thanks...
01 Uncharted: Drakes Fortune02 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots03 Grand Theft Auto IV04 Burnout Paradise05 Gran Turismo 5: Prologue06 The Darkness07 Resistance: Fall of Man08 Ninja Gainden Sigma09 Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction10 The Eye of Judgment11 Warhawk12 Fifa Soccer 0813 Need For Speed Pro Street14 Need For Speed Carbon15 Call of Duty 416 Assassin's Creed17 Unreal Tournament III18 Spiderman 319 Fight Night 320 Oblivion: Elder Scrolls IV21 Virtua Tennis 322 Motor Storm23 Formula 125 Rainbow Six Vegas 26 Marvel Ultimate Alliance27 Fear
Did you all update your firmware regularly? My cousin has a 80Gb and had the same problem, I just update his firmware and every thing went back to normal...
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