It's really hard for me to nail down exactly what I didn't like about Warcraft the movie. Normally, there's a very clear reason I don't like something, but in this case, the visuals were good, it seemed pretty faithful to the source material, the effects were great, the writing wasn't the absolute worst (there are definitely great movies with worse writing out there).
But at the end of the day, Warcraft is the only movie I have ever gone to the theatre for where we all looked at each other, got up, and walked out. It wasn't offensive or terrible, we all just sort of shrugged and decided we could be having more fun with our evening elsewhere.
Travis Fimmel was an insanely good Ragnar Lothbrok, so I know it wasn't an issue of the main character's acting. I have no idea, but it just wasn't fun being there.
This article just proves they don't have a fucking clue what they are talking about. It's not an issue of an "Evolving Industry Landscape" Stop trying to keep up with an evolution that doesn't exist for this fan base. What your DRAGON AGE fans want is a fucking CRPG experience.
Give us a tactical, semi-grounded dark fantasy CRPG. You see Dragon Age Origins? Copy, paste, new story and graphics and skills and companions, and no system bloat. BOOM. 30 MILLION COPIES.
Do I need to just lead Bioware for you? Move aside.
Frustrating changes? They lowered the price, got rid of microtransaction bullshit, got rid of the predatory season pass. They don't have my trust yet but in my eyes they are starting to clean up their mess and get their shit together.
$50 drop just cause of no early access?! Why is it worth so much?? Should only be $10 max if they were to keep early access. That’s wild.
I’m glad they are refocusing from trying to squeeze every dollar from players via microtransactions and season passes i’m sick of seeing in every game. Even singleplayer games does NOT need season passes or micro transactions.
Last thing is, it would be AWESOME if they bring Co-op to the series again. Would love to play the game with my friend. Bring back ship combat! Skull and bones totally missed the mark.
I don't think it's $50 less because of the removal of early access, it's just $50 less because they are trying to win back some public favor. It looks like they have finally taken notice of the fact that fucking their fans in the ass release after release garners some financial penalties long-term. In the here and now, it's the right thing to do. But it won't work.
When you make the best clam chowder in town, and everyone comes to your restaurant, and then you betray them all by cheapening your ingredients and watering down your broth, people will stop coming. Thing is, if you restore the chowder back to its former glory, the people still feel betrayed and still won't return.
@mdinger: Oh but don't worry, you can be miserable for 400+ hours of whopping bad gameplay! Wow! Because every game must consume our lives to be enjoyed!
DahlVaughnni's comments