@RicanV I've been doing that but it's not being handled, I could have cleaned this place up by now if my request from a while ago to become a moderator would have been accepted.
@RicanV I'm not sure all the name calling qualifies as "opinions being thrown around". Granted it's just a few people doing it, but still, they need to be removed to let the rest of us actually talk civilized. Well, as civilized as you can on a gaming thread :).
@b74kd3th no, I think it will, it's too good not to, besides what else is there on the Wii U besides the usual franchises, it's a welcome change of pace.
@Lu_Shen don't u dare disagree with the mighty tdawg, don't u know if u disagree it means u're a joke? I've learned that today too, boy am I sorry to ever get on his bad side. All hail him.
@Lykanthropie I wouldn't have a problem with the Pro if the main buttons were in the right place, reaching down for them gets troublesome as my hand cramps.
Daian's comments