Great, a game that is almost exactly 6 years old, totally not an ancient one. I'm a PC gamer and even I know PS+ has much newer big titles for free.
I really hope people keep in mind the new comment regulations and stop being asshats around here.As for this, seems accurate. And it's unsurprising to see gaming is spread pretty much equally among PC, PS3 and 360 for now.
@EasyComeEasyGo Nobody is bashing the game, we're bashing the business practice of leaving out single player content so we end up paying more than "full" price for the whole game.
Bummer, so that's over with, sucks for all the people that invested so much of their time in this project.
I hope Capcom chokes on the money M$ gave them to turn a multiplatform series into an exclusive.Between this, the on disc "DLC" (wtf) of Street Fighter 4 and the atrocity that is Resident Evil 6 they've become massive douches.
The OUYA came out 2 years too late, this was the worst year for it to be a thing, everybody is just thinking about nextgen consoles and PC.
Daian's comments