Perhaps they shouldn't have assigned this to someone who "owns too many Amiibo", not exactly objective. I'm just saying :), Nintendo have the nostalgia bonus scores added to them.
@Reuwsaat: Those specs are the best I've ever seen for a laptop that price, I'd jump on it if I could. As for heat by the looks of it it's gonna have plenty of room to breathe, especially on the starting model which generates the least amount of heat.
Battery is always gonna be poor in games, nobody plays on these unplugged. But other stuff should be fine.
@computer101: some people are just book snobs with too much time on their hands that can't bare the thought of not nitpicking everything and just enjoying the ride.
I think you're greatly overestimating distances in the show, Westeros is a lot smaller than you picture it in the show. And ravens are fast as hell, but God forbid you take a second to google that.
And don't be the book snob. Nobody likes that guy.
Daian's comments