Letting a guy that actually thinks Diablo 3 is the better game review the remake of D2 was a very idiotic decision.
I played D2 as a kid not having any idea what I'm doing, no walkthroughs or whatever, no build guides, just winging it and finished it just fine. It's not a hard game. D3 is for babies, this one actually makes you think for 3 seconds which I guess is too much to ask for this guy.
I'm just gonna leave it at that, this review is a joke just like Diablo 3.
Whoever made this list did not play the original in its heyday otherwise only a madman would not rank it much higher.
If anything it was the best one before the series became plagued with survival elements and Ubisoft climb a tower to reveal more of the same repetitive missions design. And Far Cry 2 was an ugly brown game that ruined everything great about the first.
Putting the cheater plagued Warzone and also just multiplayer only BLOPS 4 on here but not the original or World at War is a crime. Heck World at War is better than WW2 and that's on here.
Daian's comments