I wonder what he was smoking when he decided to move from a dev that makes story based games to write nonsense for Destiny. It must have been so strong stuff.
You're late, they already have released a statement saying they're rescinding all trademark claims and canceling the program.Seriously, I could be useful as a news editor here, I don't know how many more times I have to say it :).
It was wildly successful last year so I get why they wanna keep doing it. But they need another piece of resistance.
This is so dumb, it's just a regular word, you don't own regular words. This is the whole dumb Candy Crush thing all over again.
"Recent changes to ad blocking software disables our video player. Please whitelist GameSpot in order to see this video."Translation: WE're disabling our video player when we detect adblock. Please refresh and it will work because we forgot that part.Your video player is awful anyway, it never really works on mobile devices for me, I watch everything on your youtube channel.
Daian's comments