@tom2750: these are just the direct sales, there are other stores. There are too many things to take into account. For instance of course games sell more on consoles because the marketing focuses on them and there aren't many options so generally only the big games sell well on consoles. The average PC gamer buys a lot more games, tons more options, kids just get the hype games on consoles and that's it.
@Zorine: for what it's worth I didn't try to be mean, it's just that, well, you know, it's just NFS :). It's probably the only racing series I've played a lot of because I don't really like simulators and this is arcade, but they never are THAT good. Fun yes, game of the year never. Not even close. The choice simply sounded hilarious as a result. Have a nice day.
PS. Seriously, where is W3 down under, none of you have it their top ten. :P
@Samslayer: yes and no, when it's so masterfully executed and completely non-repetitive like W3 I love it, but games like Tomb Raider and Wolfenstein The New Order remind us that linearity=/bad, great level design is tested in linear games, rather than having an empty Ubisoft world littered with a handful of mission types you have to do 20 times each.
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