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DancingBanana03 Blog

My blaug!!!!!!

WATZ UP G's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

daily blaug!

And this is a pic uf me!

believe it or not!

its me!

and my PBJ shirt!

and my house key!

well see ya!

im having pizza!

its wierd, they spell pizza with 2 z's but its pronounced pitsa!




Top 5 funniest youtube subscribers:

  1. Makemebad35
  2. FRED
  4. Nigahiga
  5. some other guy

Most of u dont like fred or know who these people are!

look em up on youtube and youll be LOLing 4 thu rest uf ur lif!

and 4 fred, i luv him!

check out this song of him below

Clik heer!

My userbars!!!!!!!!!!!

just recentrecent

recently made this 1

And watever u do, dont steal these!

they have my name on them!

hope u like my creations!

request 1 if u would like 1!

be specific 2!


Uh oh!!!!!

Crap guys!:o

People are starting to resign from !THE X360 exlusives(random) union!:cry::(

I need everyones help to get the union up and running again!:)

Or else the union is nothing.:?



Cool banner!

Ok, so theres a guy named emeraldhillzone and he makes these insainly awesome banners!

Check this out \/

He made this 4 me!

add him and request.

Thanks again!


Guess what!

I fixed my Halo game disc!!

Im on level 8 now.

Oh and i changed my avatar.

I know its in the middle of the month but i just had to change it to this!

It will be the dancing banana again soon!




Im hungry!!!!!:o

__________/\ put food here