@COPMAN221ISBACK @Danny_KickAzz @Gravity_Slave By releasing one with less memory example they can do a $250 dollar version with 250 GB of HDD or they can do one without an kinect 2.0.. pretty easy to figure this out dude use youre brain.
@COPMAN221ISBACK @Danny_KickAzz @sexyeyes79 Because the Xbone comes with games Im willing to pay for...Superior controller, Tons of seamless media features that me and the Fam are willing to use! (Cant wait to use skype TBH) Idk why but when you say "their check in servers are no longer operating." Reminds me of the PS3 incident that happend not too long ago... Remember when all those people got their Credit cards stolen Lol HILARIOUS!
@jd7904 @Danny_KickAzz Do note that people dont actually own the software on the disc of the games. In fact when you buy any video game for any Console including PC's you're *LICENSING IT!* the only thing you own is the physical disc. There has always been Corporate level licensing with video games.
@jd7904 @Danny_KickAzz idk man, the X1 hasnt failed anybody yet since its not even out yet.. The seamless Media features on the X1 slay's what Sony has to offer and the games seem completely on par with each other. I think you need to practice the "listen and wait" approach before passing off the X1 as dead.
@jd7904 @rajeevv67 So what youre saying is that Microsoft should Abort the multi billion dollar console market because the X1 doesnt appeal to gamer extremest because they feel that checking online every 24 hr's is to much of a hassle? Or the fact that nobody understands MS's view on how DRM is completely based on the publisher not MS
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