@stan_hg @Danny_KickAzz @John_Read Cant help but disagree that Games is what keeps Windows alive. Because most Enterprise companies live and breath through Microsoft Windows platform and services. Sure, if steam OS manages to steal some market share away from Windows it will be mostly tech-heads and linux lemmings with an occasional unexperienced user wanting to ditch Windows out of spite. SteamOS as I see it, is something to use next to windows or as a 100% dedicated gaming rig for nothing BUT gaming (in which I think is pretty dang cool). But as a total ditch effort to move to Steam OS to satisfy everything like video editing, software development, creating and editing documents, media, digital arts. That would be beyond the set point of Steam OS's intention.
I think the MS Surface(s) are extremely cool looking devices...overall hardware is somthing not to complain about. They need to offer the touch keyboard for FREE then thaat $500 doesent seem as scary.
@stan_hg @John_Read Eh not really... they arnt trying to dethrown Windows but just the Gaming side of it....which wont ever truly happen since...well Direct X and how most people use windows for everything else other than gaming.
Danny_KickAzz's comments