@SavageEvil @Kooken58 @Danny_KickAzz @Winzent You're using too much speculation on something you don't know about. Its easy to say one thing can't do something when their is no proof that it can. Can easily be used with an argument with the PS4.
@Harradrane Xbox 360 Is years behind PC's yet it has a thriving development community... PC's will always have better hardware since one can customize it on the spot (thumbs up for those people)...Soo what makes the Xbox One any different then the Xbox 360 corresponding to its time with current PC's? The only thing that may concern an avid PC gamer is consoles exclusive. Which may I add is the whole point of gaming in general is an gaming experience...why should it matter so much on what you run it on?
@Kooken58 @Danny_KickAzz @Winzent Dosent concern me, like most people in the US they have some sort of internet connection.... Its irrelevant as a gamer who worries how MS spends their own money for an Xbox One experience which is intended to better the consumer. As long as the console can provide and then some what does it matter?
@Kooken58 @Danny_KickAzz @Winzent My argument is still valid** But as you say, it still does something. "Games where it might be useful? Open world sandbox games, such as GTA. "
@Kooken58 @Danny_KickAzz @Winzent "Soo overall it could on do processing such as background things, or some shading/shadows" Yet as you pointed out it still does background processing. *Argument still valid*
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