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DanteKiller Blog

Emergence Day has arrived!!!!!!!!!

Tournaments, downloadable content, Game with Fame, and prizes!!!!  Gears of War is now available in all major retailers around the nation!!!  In the game, Emergence Day is the day that the Locust rose.  In the real world, Emergence Day is a sort of holiday for the game where you can win prizes and meet Cliffy B., the Epic Games staff, and Dave Mustaine from Megadeth.  But with all of the hype surrounding the game, many people have to ask: was the wait worth it?  My answer: hell yeah!  In fact, it's probably the best shooter to have hit any console since Halo.  Read my review to find out what I have to say about this excellent game.

2 days until Emergence Day!!!!!!

Emergence Day is to Gears of War as Thanksgiving is to the family; a time where everyone gets together and, in the case of Gears of War, blast each other to smithereens!  Blending the best elements of Halo and Ghost Recon, you will know what I think of the game soon enough.

3 days until Emergence Day!!!

Gears of War's biggest day happens this Sunday.  Tournaments, new downloadable content, and a Game with Fame with Cliffy B.  But the real question is: does the game stand against any typical shooter, let alone Halo?  Find out in my review on Emergence Day.

Happy Halloween to Final Fantasy XII!!!

Yes, the wait is over!  Final Fantasy XII has hit the market after four years of waiting!  But the real question remains: is it worth returning to Ivalice in this new iteration?  Find out in my upcoming review.

Bully Reviewed!

I have finished my review of the masterpiece, Bully.  Just a little note: I am an unbiased gamer and have played tons of crappy games, especially ones based on movies.  But if you want to see what I have to say, go read my review now!

New Tekken Review!

Finally, after three months, I finally finish my review of Tekken: Dark Resurrection.  I will also be getting reviews of Dead Rising, Enchanted Arms, Scarface, Madden NFL 07, and Saints Row in very soon.  Expect the Dead Rising review to come in right away!
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