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DanteKiller Blog

Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth II, finally on the Xbox 360!

First it was a theory.  Then it was a rumor.  Now, LOTR: Middle Earth II is now coming to the Xbox 360 with revamped controls!  This is basically the same as the PC version, except with no War of the Ring or Create-a-Hero mode.  But thanks to Xbox Live, the multiplayer mode is now more fun to play than ever!  Expect a review from both Gamespot and I sometime soon.

Irrational Union

No, it's not a new union.  The union leader of the Bioshock Union, mtkinsac2, has decided that since the game is so early in development, the name should be changed to Irrational Union.  That's right, System Shock and SWAT fans!  You get a new union that gets all of the newest info on your favorite games.  If that isn't enough, we also have a demo of System Shock 2 to show you how dedicated we are.  But if you think that we will forget about Bioshock, think again!  We will still keep track of Bioshock's progress.  The link for the site is still the same, so you can click on the link below to get there.  Irrational Games has a new fan site: the Irrational Union!

New reviews!

I finally got my newest reviews posted.  The newest games that I have reviewed are Tourist Trophy, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and, wait for it, Kingdom Hearts II.  Check those reviews out below and see what I have to say about the next wave of games.

Kingdom Hearts II coming to a console near you.

10-point-freakin'-0.  Aside from Resident Evil 4 and Halo 2, this highest honor didn't even go do God of War, Shadow of the Colossus, or even Guitar Hero.  Instead, it went to the masterful combination of Disney and Square-Enix.  Now, Kingdom Hearts II is being released on PS2s on March 28, 2006.  If the screenshots and videos are any indication, this could become the most wanted action-RPG of all time.

The side-scrolling king returns!

I just bought Mega Man Maverick Hunter X a week back.  It is now my new portable fix.  Here is a summary of the review I have put up recently:


  • Beautiful 3D graphics
  • Excellent side-scrolling gameplay
  • Mega Man: Powered Up demo
  • New playable character: Vile
  • 25-minute anime


  • Slightly difficult gameplay
  • Remixed soundtrack, while it is great that they did it, is hit-or-miss
  • Voiceovers: see above
  • Short length, even on hard

Capcom has done a great job on the PSP, from Darkstalkers Chronicles to Maverick Hunter X.  It is definitely the best time to own a PSP.

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