Seriously if you find it offensive DONT FREAKIN PLAY IT, particularly since it has a WARNING because of the ADULT content. Holy sweet mary mother of jesus christ some people cannot be saved.
no i didnt mean the boobies or anything i meant going to hell and seeing the angel of death which comes and takes our souls WHICH YOU KILL HIM...or i didn't pay attention to what were they talking about lol
u mean offensive? lol and TC i didnt find it offensive, then again i am agnostic, my familys christian but not me, i respect and have nothin against any religion but why would u think this game was offensive? opps i mean offensive XD stupid dictionary doesn't give me the correct meaning :p well i was asking if someone found this offensive because of all the gore and using the divine cross as a weapon and etc
First of all, somebody posted this a long time ago. Secondly I would love for Mass Effect to come to the PS3. And thirdly, that could be photoshopped.brickdoctor
Assassin's Creed...from 2006 till 2008 i wanted a summer 2008 i finally got it damn..but AC wasnt a good game...AC2 is so much better thank god
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