Dang, I kind of forgot this blog existed. Well, let's see what has changed in my life...
It has been nearly a year since I made an entery in this blog, and in that time, I have had two deaths in my family (my uncle on my mother's side, and my great aunt on my late uncle's side). I took my second trip to Memphis, Tennessee, for the May in Memphis festival on Beale Street (don't worry fellow brothers in Christ, I went there on a public ministry mission, with witnessing, Bible preaching and Bible teaching).
Speaking of Beale Street, it was on the very day that I and my church (they went to Memphis with me) was preparing to come home that I heard that my uncle had passed away. :?
I'm fairly sure that both of my late family members went to hell. My family, especially on my mother's side, has more or less forsaken me for my love for Christ Jesus. Because of that, I can't say that I'm terribly upset over their death.
However, I must say this- their death, both of which took place just a few weeks away from each other, has set in motion a chain of events which has reintroduced me, on much better terms, with my mother's side of the family.
Since their death, I have actually went to a few holiday events with my family. Independence Day was the most prime example. There, I saw family I haven't seen for at least 4 years, namely my cousins Troy, Ian, and Correy (the three are brothers, and the sons of my late uncle).
I believe that God is using these events to His glory. Just about every time that I have seen my 3 cousins above, Christ has come up. I think that I am slowly making head-way into their souls with the Holy Word of God. If any of my brothers in Chirst are reading this, please just pray that God will have His hand on me as I witness to them, and eventually lead them to Christ Jesus, the only Savior of mankind. I'd be thankful for your prayers.
Well, that is enough for this entery in this blog for now. Take care all. :D
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