Attention all hackers. Please hack the warehouses that will be producing this vile box known as Xbox One. Hack into the machines that create the Microsoft consoles, and program them to make PlayStation consoles.
I predict that within the first year of release, both the PS4 and Xbox One will be hacked to shit by hackers. Every one of those consoles will be like little soldiers for the hackers. There will be a hacker war, Xbox One hackers VS PlayStation 4 hackers. In the end a retired Nintendo hacker comes out of retirement and takes over every major games console in the world. He then declares himself to be the Anti-Christ and reveals to be a member of the Illuminati. And thus, the new world order is placed.
@Hadif151 When you called the Red Ring of Death a disease, I immediately thought of ring worms. Now when ever I think of RRoD; I'm gonna think of ring worms. ****.
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