I was gonna write something here about Dark Messiah and how i've just realised that unlike Oblivion i've not been counting down the day till it's release over here and how i'm gonna just pop down the shops tomorow in the hope that it's out rather than actually look up the info that'll actually tell me when it's out.
Anyway i was going thru my old blogs and found some of my early unread stuff and i've decided that as i'm in the run up to my 100th Blog that i'd just put down some of my past work that i'm particularly proud of, hasn't been read/commented on or that i think might give you a good laugh.
A day in the life of a...: This was my second ever blog and is basicly me moaning about the way my Corp in EVE Online perceved me. Lots of spelling mistakes, but you've probibly come to expect that from me anyway. (Medium)
Oh the joys of life!: This blog goes on about one of the horribliest illnessess i've ever suffered as well as some of my problems with our health service over here and it's also the first blog in which the censoring of my surname becomes an issue. (Long)
The afternoon after the night before.: Here is just a quick explaination why, for me, alcohol and GS don't mix! (Short)
Waking up in strange places...: A drink relaited blog about, well, waking up in strange places. (Medium)
Bookish ideas.: A blog about my writing aspirations. Didn't get much feed back on my ideas. (Long)
Social WoW. (Or Somebody Team With ME!!!): Basicly a blog about what i think is the biggest problem with World of Warcraft. (Long)
Wish list.: What would you like Remade to have better gfx/sound and what would you like to see get a sequal? (Short)
Random Feelings. (Radio, PC, Anime): A blog where i go on, for a bit, about 3 things i'm quite passionette about. (Long)
You've gotta see this!: Coz you've just gotta! :P (Fun)
There we go. If you find time to give them all a viewing then great, any and all comments will be appreciated as well, but don't piss ya pants if you can't. ;)
BTW: I'm not making my 100th blog untill i have my 80th contact and i turn lvl 15, that way i can make a nothing post about 3 things! 8)
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