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DarkAnxiety Blog

Updated IE. (I don't see this title attracting much attention.)

Today i have updated Internet Explorer to Verson 7 and as usial with these updates all the fonts have changed again, everything looks weird and they've moved everything around.

The new Tab thingy is quite cool, unfortunately i'm so used to right-clicking and opening things in new windows that it's not getting used all that much.

Overall it's a lot neater and polished than the old IE but it basicly does the exact same things so it's not really that big a deal... i don't know why i'm even writing a blog about it... just bored i guess... :?

Acutally don't you hate it when you're writing something and you lose the will to continue talking about it? Or when you start of writing a serious email to someone and towards the end you realise it's all irrelivant or your point has signifficantly changed but since you've worked so hard on it you send it anyway along with a foot note to that effect... i do that a lot...

3 hours till Karioke Michael, just 3 more hours...

PANIC!!! (Part 2) & Avatar Changes.

This saturday is the fancy dress party and all i have for my costume is a bloody kitty mask! I still need some black cat ears and a black tail (i'm not wearing tights!), we've been all over the place and we can't find them anywhere!

I know it's not really something to get in a panic about but ARGHHH!!!!

On a less crazy note, i've noticed that a lot of you have changed your avatars recently. While i have nothing against this and of course i can't make you stick to the same avatars (even tho some of you had very nice ones) i would like to mention how it's made it just a wee bit harder for me to keep track of who's posted what (i actually have to read the names now) and i does seem like your online personalities have changed a little.

This is why back when i changed my avatar i put it back the way it was because everytime i went to re-read my posts i found i couldn't find them and it also felt to me that i had changed the whole personality of my blog by adding Pikachu! :P

Heroes and Villians.

Since it's been awhile since i've done anything on my MMO activities i thought i'd write up a load of stuff about my current 3 main CoH/CoV characters.

Archtype: Blaster
Origin: Mutant
Lvl: 50
Primary Powers: Energy Blast
Secondary Powers: Ice Manipulation
Epic Powers: Flame Mastery
Badges: 248

Description: Born Anna Snow in a small town in England from a very early age it was apparent that she and her sister, Suzanne, were mutants due to the discolouration of their eyes and skin. As children Anna and Suzanne were regularly beaten by their father because he despised them for their mutations and differences and as they grew into teenagers the girls were bullied, beaten and Anna herself was even raped by other teens and adults whom either hated or feared the pair. During all this Anna would do her best to protect her sister by baring the brunt of these attacks but despite all her best efforts her sister turned to crime and began to take vengance upon the world. Anna herself knew that this was wrong but she could not stand by and do nothing either so finally when she turned 18 Anna dorned her mask and because DarkAnxiety, her mission, to bring fear to those that choose to spread it and to save those that have become slaves to it.

Origin: Science
Lvl: 30
Badges: 77

Description: Little is known about DarkSolace's past, how she became a Warshade or who she was before the transformation. All that is known is that at some point in the past she had suffered a great trauma that now pushes her to right the wrongs she sees around the city and to take vengance upon those who spread pain and misery.

Origin: Mutant
Lvl: 20
Primary Powers: Necromancy
Secondary Powers: Dark Miasma
Badges: 38

Description: Suzanne's sister Anna protected her all her life. She protected her when their father would beat them for being different, she protected her when their neighbours and the students from their school would bully and beat them out of hate and fear, and she protected her while being raped, refusing to call out for Suzanne's help. Unfortunately while Anna could take the brunt of the physical attacks she could not protect Suzanne from the psychological damage being done everyday and eventually she ran away from it all. Suzanne's pain and hatred made her turn upon socity and what started as petty crimes soon turned into murder and full scale destructionas her powers awakened. Now known as DarkScorn she delights in spreading suffering and perverting the corpses of those she has slain.

Oi GameSpot!

Uncensor my bloody surname you ****! :evil:

Look at a map of England you **** and you'll see there's a god damn town with the exact same spelling of the name!

I'm sick and tired that everytime i write down **** (with a capital C at the start showing it's a name) it comes out like ****.... as it has just done twice... :evil:


Nothing to say.

It's been six days since my celebration blog and i haven't made another post. Except for the gap between my very first blog post and my second this is possibly the longest i've gone without posting in my blog!

Unfortunately it's been a pretty slow week and nothings really hit me to inspire me to make a rant or something about any subjects in particular, altho it just occurs to me that i could have once again complained about the censorship of my surname... ah well oppertunity missed.

Anyway i went out last night and got very drunk (as i do) and i agreed to go to a friend's b'day party in a few weeks time. What's wrong with that you ask? (if you haven't asked you should have so shame on you! :P) Well it's a fancy dress party and, self respecting person that i am, i've never dressed up in fancy dress ever before in my life! I'm really dreading this especially since it's a themed party and the theme is Alice in Wonderland... Joy(!)

(Continue to watch this space as my humiliation increases when i have to go to claire's accessories to pick up cat's ears and a tail next week!)

Celebration Blog!

Provided this blog gives me at least 5.61% i should be lvl 15 upon posting it and on top of that it will be my 100th blog ever (anywhere) and on top of that i got my 80th friend (thanks askara_kyusho)! :D So Woohoo for me! 8)8)8)

On a unrealated note i mentioned the other day that i might buy Dark Messiah but i was too lazy to see when it came out in this country. Well, i went out yesterday to see if i could buy it and it turns out it's not out anywhere (no where what-so-ever) so i felt really kinda stupid... ah well i bought Dungeon Siege 2 and Tomb Raider Legend for only £25 together which cheered me up a fair bit. :)

The Best Of ME! = p

I was gonna write something here about Dark Messiah and how i've just realised that unlike Oblivion i've not been counting down the day till it's release over here and how i'm gonna just pop down the shops tomorow in the hope that it's out rather than actually look up the info that'll actually tell me when it's out.

Anyway i was going thru my old blogs and found some of my early unread stuff and i've decided that as i'm in the run up to my 100th Blog that i'd just put down some of my past work that i'm particularly proud of, hasn't been read/commented on or that i think might give you a good laugh.

A day in the life of a...: This was my second ever blog and is basicly me moaning about the way my Corp in EVE Online perceved me. Lots of spelling mistakes, but you've probibly come to expect that from me anyway. (Medium)

Oh the joys of life!: This blog goes on about one of the horribliest illnessess i've ever suffered as well as some of my problems with our health service over here and it's also the first blog in which the censoring of my surname becomes an issue. (Long)

The afternoon after the night before.: Here is just a quick explaination why, for me, alcohol and GS don't mix! (Short)

Waking up in strange places...: A drink relaited blog about, well, waking up in strange places. (Medium)

Bookish ideas.: A blog about my writing aspirations. Didn't get much feed back on my ideas. (Long)

Social WoW. (Or Somebody Team With ME!!!): Basicly a blog about what i think is the biggest problem with World of Warcraft. (Long)

Wish list.: What would you like Remade to have better gfx/sound and what would you like to see get a sequal? (Short)

Random Feelings. (Radio, PC, Anime): A blog where i go on, for a bit, about 3 things i'm quite passionette about. (Long)

You've gotta see this!: Coz you've just gotta! :P (Fun)

There we go. If you find time to give them all a viewing then great, any and all comments will be appreciated as well, but don't piss ya pants if you can't. ;)

BTW: I'm not making my 100th blog untill i have my 80th contact and i turn lvl 15, that way i can make a nothing post about 3 things! 8)

Stayin' In.

For the first friday in a long long time i'm neither working or going out on the piss.

TV's crap! :P