I got King of Fighters: Max Impact Collecters addition from Gamestop a couple days ago, and I have to say it's better than I expected. I'm not really a KoF fan, except for a few of the characters... *coughcoughcough* I got it just to use the rest of my money after getting Transformers and it proved to be one hell of a game. A few questions though: Is it cell shaded? I swear on some maps while fighting it seems the characters are cell shaded. (It looks good really, like Dark Cloud 2, and others.) Is King of Fighters 2006 any good? I was planning on gettings it next because Max Impact was good. And how hard IS the last boss? I heard it gets freakishly hard at the last boss.
Well as the topic suggests I am curious about Ghost Rider, the game, of course. Is is really that bad of a game? Since I've been meaning to get it because of the similarity to God of War. No, I can't get GoW since I go to Gamestop after school and don't have my parents with me. So my questions are: Did it get bad reviews because of its similarity to GoW and DMC? Or is it actually a really bad game? I don't care if it copied anything, is it worth $17.99? Please, tell me your opinion on it.
Try cleaning the AV cable where it plugs into the console. I thought something like that happened to mine too, until I figured out that the AV cable wasn't plugged all the way in.
What current gen games do you think have the best looking/realistic ragdolls? In my opinion, Area 51's ragdolls were quite good. What's yours? NOTE: Not next gen titles! Keep it current gen (Ps2, Xbox,Gcube,PSP(lol),GBA(lol))
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