@KingXerxes @DarkSaber2k If I missed that then so has every article about it too. Or in other words [citation needed].
@jhcho2 Consdering AMD were providing chips (sorry, I meant "custom silicon solutions) for 360, it doesn't seem to have done them much good if they needed THIS deal to save their arse.
@billlabowski @smackdowner360 bet he doesn't even know hat they are and is just a consoletard giving it the "HERPADERP AMD is wtith MS so AMD da bes"
I'd hardly call a 500gb HDD and 8Gig of DDR3 RAM anything to "boast" about. Same for the blu-ray drive.
INb4 Squeenix throw millions of dollars at the game to make the players cape look cool and then call it a flop for "only" 5 million sold.
@Dannystaples14 Microsoft aren't done pissing off and alienating the "core audience" who's sales they have started to take for granted.
@N0tYrBeezin @junglist101 @hughobrien @edpeterson Not necessarily. He could have decided "You know what, **** it"
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