@SolidTy Why would you assume a game from a series firmly rooted in PC gaming be a timed exclusive for the worst console of the next generation? Or ANY console for that matter.
@moonlightwolf01 @DarkSaber2k You'd also think the so-called "journalists" on this site would have picked up on that. Seems the job really DOES just involve copying and pasting blocks of text.
@cagedwolf I'd suggest that since he specifically stated you can play at a friends house without paying as long as your logged into your profile, he pretty much confirmed there WILL be fees. Otherwise why only provide an example of a time you WON'T have to pay instead of just saying you don't have to pay ever....
"saying only that there will be no fee for those who play their games at a friend's house, provided they sign in to their profile."
If his example is of a circumstance where you don't have to pay, but he hasn't flat out said you won't have to pay, then that pretty much confirms there WILL be a fee. Worst new console unveiling ever.
Remedy talk big but I have honestly yet to see anything from that makes me think they can even come close to pulling it off. They couldn't even get an updated version of Death Rally right!
DarkSaber2k's comments