@shingui5 I like CLEVER achievements or things for utter dicking about that you would not get through playing a game the "normal" way, but these days you get an achievement for starting the first level, and by the time you've COMPLETED the first level you're nearly half done. ANd it's not like I usually go back to finsih achievements.
@akassassin11 I'm not saying they are bullshit because of the crap surrounding Kane & Lynch, but they are bullshit because of the crap surrounding Kane & Lynch.
@surferosh @grnsuperman4 That said, you know the easiest way to wind up youtube "producers" and their fans? Be very vocal about the fact you use adblock!
@blueinheaven Yeah, at least so far most of the uninteresting stupid has been confined to Twitch.tv and those few who worked out how to record XBox through a PC, or use Fraps.
@surferosh @grnsuperman4 Funny thing is, sharing with friends STOPPED being fun once the internet got involved. Then friends and acquaintances started shoving endless clip after clips in your face going "LOOK WOT I DUN!"
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