@LindBergh2007 @Gallowhand @Sevenizz @Graduk Steam IS DRM. And it's particularly annoying in the case of games that come on disc since they tend to force you to download the game off STeam anyway, and the discs are stuffed with junk data and a Steam installer only. I bought a disc to AVOID downloading the game you fucks!
@INF1DEL @DarkSaber2k It's being released in 6 months, which means this game is the final phases of bug-squashing. As for the rest of your questions, I know this because (unlike you it seems) I've actually been following the news on the development of this game.
Gamespot had an interview last year (when it was still an FPS, I point out, that covered a lot of this, including a specific question about the Sectoids being in it and an absolute denial they are)
As for the last attempt to cross genres, if you're calling bullshit on that then you are nothing more than a poser who knows nothing about Xcom.
@Sevenizz @Graduk No mate, that is actually completely contradictory to what is said earlier in the article. Now the article could be badly written or the source could have contradicted himself, but if the console requires "Always" online then the unit itself needs to be on the internet all the time to work, which makes whether or not the publishers decide to do anything with that entirely a moot point.
The people saying "Why not put it on the disc" make me laugh. In recent times when has a game that came on a disc actually USED the disc? They all just force you to download the game off Steam anyway! Shogun 2 did, same as any other game that uses Steamworks. (Fallout NV, Skyrim, Civ 5, Empire etc etc)
The annoying bit is I have a PHYSICAL DISC, why the hell am I downloading ANYTHING?
@BKO3000 @J_Dangerously The game has been development hell for 3 years, had a MAJOR retooling to take it from FPS to TPS at the last minute, had another last minute redesign to make it squad based, is based on a franchise where the last attempts to crowbar it into genres it didn't belong essentially killed the franchise off and fails to even include the iconic villains that have been in EVERY OTHER XCom game (Sectoids). But yeah, TOTALLY unfounded negativity *eyeroll* (And I didn't even mention their **** up about the when the Cold War ended.)
DarkSaber2k's comments