@Winzent @DarkSaber2k Because a moron declaring my opinions null automatically makes it so, right? Also try learning the difference between an argument and observing a similarity, you'll look less like a moron then.
@SpriggsyUK You say that like I've been spamming this stuff for weeks. How about you shut the **** up if you're happy with the price? Or are you jumping on the "complaining about complaining" bandwagon like the rest of the wannabe cool kids?
@Winzent @DarkSaber2k And you disagree with me, I get that but you only need one post to us* that.
Because clearly I can go back and edit as often as want and there was no reason at all (even if the edit period had timed out) for me to post a second post to add more detail to my thoughts, right? Moron.
@Winzent @DarkSaber2k I'm saying they obviously didn't feel confident in the quality of the game to just charge full price for it in the first place. But you know what they say about fools and their money, and who are 2K to argue?
And I'm sure the extended period of development hell, combined with the last minute total scrapping and rebuilding of the game to make it from FPS to TPS, and then from action to squad-based action (again at the last minute after the appalling responses the original footage got) will in no way affect the finished product. A product, I shall point out again, they were telling us they felt was only worth a budget priced digital-only release not three months ago.
FULL price? What happened to it being a $30 digital-only game? Yeah I am so NOT buying this turd.
And if they think trying to bury "XCom" way down behind a bunch of other crap in (awful) title would make us maybe overlook the fact this is still an insult to XCom they are sadly mistaken.
DarkSaber2k's comments