@Dante3k @DarkSaber2k @Tristan2668 They can only do it when people are actually there to do it. Which means 9-5 office hours because do you REALLY think EA are gonna pay out overtime to have it done in the middle of the night PDT?
@Spartan_418 It's worse than that. Literally every time I go to log in to TOR it tells me I'm using a new machine (I'm not) and need to verify with a one-use password that's been emailed to me. THis can take anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes to arrive. Fun.
@Oozyrat @DarkSaber2k @1234ritchie @2bitSmOkEy @highlanderjimd @presidentali01 I've heard Walking Dead Survival Instinct is actually pretty enjoyable. Just not very good on any technical level. But the reviews are bad so people parade it around as bad without actually playing it.
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