@mikemaj82 @Cl0ud @obsequies In the past maybe. You frequently heard macs were better in two fields: Graphic design and video editing. These days you don't even hear people saying that. All you hear are Mac owners SAYING Macs are better without providing any justification beyond "no viruses". This sounds more like denialists trying to justify buying an overpriced box.
@Acekidder @DarkSaber2k Hey stupid it says an INSTALL BASE of 77 million, not 77 million sold at retail. But if you have any actual proof of what you're saying I'll gladly look it over.
@Kolo32 @4r0d0 Whether or not the game is great is ENTIRELY down to personal opinion. Telling someone their opinion is wrong doesn't automatically make them see the game as great you know.
@1234ritchie @DarkSaber2k @2bitSmOkEy @highlanderjimd @presidentali01 Welcome to 2013 where dissenting opinions can only mean the person is trolling, right?
@obsequies @DarkSaber2k However that seems kinda like me calling my PC a Playstation 2 just because it can be a better PS2 than the PS2. Accurate in broad strokes but kind of missing the point.
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