@bgghgubcjhgknjk @DarkSaber2k I gave you TWO that were not multi-plat but you ignored them. One of them is even a game that is the only occasion I have ever seen a review score of 100%.
That said, the 100% score game is now on Virtual COnsole (since 2008) reading up on it, so you'd probably try and argue that it doesn't count.
@bgghgubcjhgknjk @DarkSaber2k @Saketume Nobody was saying it wasn't, but it was on the C64 and it was regarded as both a classic game AND one of the best version of that game. You never said anything about having to be C64 exclusive.
But since this has now devolved into "Child using wikipedia to nitpick stuff he wasn't even alive for" I'm gonna cash out and do something more productive, like piss into the wind.
@Saketume @bgghgubcjhgknjk I named at least 2 that were (not counting the ones discounted because of his assertion that mutli-plat doesn't count) but apparently if he hasn't heard of them because he's like 15 or some shit, then they don't count.
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