@Riddick123 However, do you think the planning meetings were saying "Lets make it more like Everquest/Asheron's Call/DAoC" or were they saying "This is in WoW, how can we work into TOR?"
@mrzero1982pt2 Dude they have been quietly (and no so quietly) shutting down and selling off servers for a couple of months now. THERE'S the cause of your queues.
@speed45823 I do not work for EA (Electronic Arts) and haven't bought an EA (Electronic Arts) game since 2002. EA (Electronic Arts) was voted worst company because it was open to everyone online, including rabid little shitheads like you who voted for them as far FAR worse than companies that have been actively sabotaging the worlds economies. Because milking for DLC and Mass Effect 3s' ending was far FAR worse than anything the banks did that year, amirite? Your move chumpbrain.
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