@OuroborosChoked @X-7 @chuckles471 AND then they quietly disband SK, only for most of the head honchos to turn up in a NEW company, that coincidently doesn't owe Epic ANY of the money SK did.
@OuroborosChoked @X-7 @chuckles471 Don;t forget he then tried to sue Epic Games, blaming them for the failure, when in reality he had stolen assets and falsified ownership claims over assets created with Unreal Engine. All while refusing to pay them a licence fee and accusing THEM of sabotage.
@bruno_fmenedes @MJ12-Conspiracy This WAS their smaller goal. They had one running originally for $1.5 million, but they cancelled that when it was obviously gonna fail and fail hard.
@nyran125tk @DarkSaber2k Wrong. Well right figures, but wrong circumstances for the figures to apply. Keep reading you'll get it eventually. maybe after some help with the longer, more complicated words.
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