@smoothyplum26 Because the next gen has an install base of roughly zero units at this time? And the game releases before the next gen even launches?
Shouldn't people be quite insulted that EA have assumed they will be stupid enough to buy TWO versions of one game? That's almost as annoying as the fact that people ARE stupid enough to buy 2 versions of the same game.
@emperiox @DarkSaber2k As if they'll make enough effort for it to qualify as an expansion. They can't even release full games anymore.
Do they mean that information they said they wouldn't be gathering anyway? Liars l;iars pants on fires
@XboxFanboy4Life And spending $100 million to decided the d-pad needed moving and the battery pack needed moving is not?
@ACLOVERLORD And with that, the Gamespot community realized their failings and never posted again.Thank you, ACLOVERLORD
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