Also, this is pretty ironic that Microsoft are buying pre-owned products after they tried to design the XBone to be as obstructive to pre-owned games a possible before they backed down.
How about telling us what they are actually PROMOTING with this promotion Eddie you wasteland of journalistic talent? This reads more like a paid-for advert than a news story.
@Sky_Stifler @leandrro THe amount of time they've been dicking around with it I wouldn't be surprised if they went straight through to Source 3, and throw SOurce 2 in whatever hole they tossed Half Life 2 Episode 3.
@DeanoFantasy Back in those days companies spent more time on making a good game. These days they spend most their time and budget telling us how amazing the game is going to be instead of actually making iot happen.
@Shadowdanc3r @DarkSaber2k And of course they probably both decided to tell the XBone tards THEIR version is best AND tell the PS4 mongs THEIR version is also best.
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