Only EA would try and justify a developer NOT churning out another copy+paste sequel. Contrary to what they believe a lot of us actually WANT to see studios trying to develop something new rather than churning out "Franchise Entry #15"
@grognard @Double-Ego @mkeezay22 Yes, and your "proof" not to take forum posts seriously is.......a forum post you can't even source. And we're supposed to take that at face value and go "He's right, that forum post he couldn;t even link us to totally proves how unreliable every forum post except the one Grognard mentioned is"
@grognard @epicgameresearc @ssdd_again If you don't like what he posts don't read it. You don't need to counter-spam every MS article, just stick to articles where people actually think you aren't a bit silly.
@grognard @mkeezay22 "the developer actually proved that nearly 70% of the people who posted on their forums that they were banning the game ended up buying it in the first month." [citation needed] because I smell bullshit.
@grognard @epicgameresearc Nice try at twisting his words but what he was actually saying no to was the "he's trying to indoctrinate us" part, not his statement that you are a shill.
@Mimwing @grognard Yes, but you don't have to *take the disc to your friends house to lend it him*! TOTALLY worth giving up all your rights for that, right?
@grognard @DarkSaber2k @epicgameresearc You've had plenty of refutations but you think sticking your fingers in your ear and going "lalalalala you're kids and wrong" counts as a rebuttal.
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