It is a good game, not great, but good. I would have given a 7.5. I guess LA Noire got 9 for production values, but I agree that both should not be put on the same scale.
There is Disgaea 4 and White Knight Chronicles 2, one of these might be AA. And at least it provides variety for PS3 players something 360 owners have been looking for a while.
Don't want to go all legacy on you guys, but what's the problem with the FFVI formula, story driven and somewhat linear for the first part and then open world for the second part? I think it would be a good compromise... if well done.
So what do we have now for the PS3 2012 lineup? Last Guardian Agent Journey God of War 4 (maybe) Sly 4 Plus what will be announced at E3. 2012 best year of the PS3 confirmed!!!
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