@Megavideogamer Some people would say that's a good thing it went on for so long as not everyone can afford to buy a brand new console every 2-3 years. Graphics are also getting to a point that they can't get much better, which would make it pointless in bringing out a product with not much improvements over it's predecessor.
@gilldominic @HairyMetalHead @Dark_Highlander @gww101 @the13stuff Bought for Blu-Ray players or not, at least they don't break down as much making people buy new ones ;)
@Fitcherman @gww101 @furrynic Easy to say that in the past as pretty much all the competition came from Japan and the sales there were more of an indication of what's coming to the western market the year later more than anything else. Although Japan is a contributing part of the market, it's nothing compared to the sales in America, and the fact that Xbox is an American product would suggest why the sales are strong there.
@gww101 @HairyMetalHead @the13stuff Not trying to troll here or anything but you will be surprised to know the amount of people that actually couldn't be bothered going through that process and just shell out for a new xbox. I can maybe see why too for people that have more money than sense as it would be a lot quicker for them to get back to gaming rather than wait for it to return from MS. Plus they get a shinier new machine.
VGChartz has the PS3 at 78.2 million and X360 sales at 77.9..... http://www.vgchartz.com/ May be a few weeks old but how do you explain the 1.2 million that the PS3 lost?
@furrynic The big money is always going to come from the rich American market as their population is bigger, meaning more chances of sales. Hence why Nintendo decided to release the Wii out in America before their home nation.
Dark_Highlander's comments