@RedWave247 Are the games not downloaded and installed onto the hard drive anyways? If so it wouldn't matter if the servers are still up or not unless you got the games for free off from the PS+ service (not sure what the situation is with XBL)
@blackace 720 and PS4 are two different consoles, what makes you think it will definately be the same for the 720? Just cause they are competing against each other doesn't mean they will do things the same way.
@RPG_Fan_I_Am @Dark_Highlander well considering that Kratos's skin is white looking instead of flesh coloured would suggest this comes after his wife & daughter turned to ashes and covers his whole body. I can't explain why he is so chilled out about it though, maybe he has amnesia or something. As i say i would need to play the game to find out.
@chris120379 If you were a fan of the original God of War games then you should probably get this one too as it seems like the MP was hit mostly. The single player campaign does look more of the same old but if you like the others in the series then you shouldn't have a problem enjoying this one either.
@RPG_Fan_I_Am He got his blades immediately after swearing an oath to Ares but when he was fooled into killing his family he then became servant to the other gods to get back at the God of War. I think this is where the story of this game picks up from but can not be 100% sure as i haven't played the game myself yet.
@Printul_Noptii it's not a case of it being hard to code for the Wii U, the problem is that they are so far ahead in the development for the other systems that they would need more experienced staff and other resources to catch up as it states in the article.
More games is a good thing. Just as long as they don't do an 'Assassin's Creed' by rushing each game out every year leaving loads of bugs in an allegedly finished product.
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