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Dark_Link_753 Blog


:) I just set up a signature, and sum other cool stuff that is sure 2 put my lvl through the roof. Ppl may think I'm wierd b/c of the stuff I wrote, but who cares? I think I'm wierd, b/c I did like, 4 blogs on one day!!!

Oh I Wish I Were, Wish I Were

Damn, I'm still a lvl-2 jorneyman. I want 2 write reviews, ppl !! I just got an idea!! Log off my comp, and turn it back on. My lvl always increases when I do that!!! I just fooled the system!!!

Damn the Luck...

We did dodgeball with the highschoolers in PE. And human pyramids in basketball practice. I had to sit out for both b/c of my arm. Damn it!!!!!!!:evil:


In basketball practice, I jumped for a rebound with this big kid, Jason. He landed on me, and I SPRAINED MY WRIST. It hurt. A lot.


Arghh... I got my DS back for one day, but I got written up my by my home and careers teacher. So, I can't have it for a month. I got in trouble again another time, too... My Home+Careers told me she needed my folder, when I was halfway up the stairs. Shes kinda fat, so I decided she needed the exersize, so I yelled "Come and get it!!!" Down to the office, once again. I was late too lunch too... It wasn't my best day.;) But still preety cool, since I made a limerick about this fat kid: Hes stupid, hes fat, theres no denying that. ---This part goes fast--- {He thinks hes cool, but he really drools, Thinks hes rough, but its a load of Duff.} Its the Nathiiiiin the Retard.:D Cool, huh?

Sons of...

Well, I just created my profile on GameSpot... and I wanted 2 use the FAQ I looked up, but my dad took away my DS because I told my band teacher not 2 get her panties in a bunch... lol 8) my friends thought it was hilarious... And so do I. Whats the big deal?!??!!!??
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