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Dark_NoobSaibot Blog

Worst Day Ever...*10th Entry*

Well..I found out that my grandparents are seperating..after 27 years of marriage..they said they'll be back together soon..but it feels like my heart is gonna explode..I feel like crap..because I've been taken care of by both of them for almost 18 years..and now this has to happen..nice way to start a weekend :cry: the Love "Department" *5th Entry*

Love is quite odd..and strange..No one hardly knows what Love is..until they and or recive it..
I know that certain and or love me...but sometimes I wonder..If I will find the one..I foremost..desire deep inside my heart..I feel as if..this day..and life of doomed..from ever..falling in love..Because..this life of now closed..from ever the one..I want..and desire..This is my finding the need, desire, and want..this is a goodbye..a farewell..from ever falling in "love"..again..


Is there really a "God"? *4th Entry*

It confuses people believe one single book..that will "save their lives with miracles"..Will actually help personally I'm still searching in my religion phase..wondering if there is a "God"..Do you believe in "God"? Is there a "God"?..So many questions..So little time..makes me wonder if I am agonostic..or whatever my fate/heart tells me what religion I choose to be..I hope it's worth it. Though I believe there was once Jesus..but there are too many complications..with this..belief of "God" in my head..and heart.

*3rd* Entry

I am quite pleased with the way of art flows thru the hands and onto makes a wonderful insight of what a person feels and or feeling..just like writing poems..I am glad I can be able to write..poems..Maybe someday I'll draw as good as a famous Anime Artist..Someday in time..

Until then,

Gunbound.*2nd* Entry

Great enjoyable game, I really enjoy this game. It is really fun when you want to focus on something at the time of being bored to extremeness. But I really do enjoy this game because I'm able to communicate with others around the world and the United States. This game is my favorite, Thanks to my cousin for introducing it to me. If you want to learn and or sign up for Gunbound please follow the requirements for signing and joining @

Also if you'd like to challenge me IM me at FlameSkull7 or MKNoobSaibot and I'll challenge you.

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