@makimaki: I also think there is still room to explore the classic Megaman series, to this day the only thing known between what happened back then and the X series is that Light created X and Wily created Zero, we know Light died from old age and we assume that Wily died as well (assume because the whole thing with Weil, Isaac and the Zero Virus still leaves a lot of questions open) we have no idea what happened to the rest of the classic characters and what happened to humanity between 20XX and 21XX, I seriously doubt MM11 will delve into that but I hope someday we will get clarity.
My reaction to the new Megaman 11 game "FREAKIN YEEEEEES!!!!" I'm so soooooo happy they decided to quit the 8-bit trend, I'm sorry but the graphic choice for mm9 and mm10 was just bad, at the very least they should have picked the Megaman 8/ & Bass sprites, would have looked MUCH better.
My reaction to the Megaman X games coming to PC "all 8 games?....including X7........? eeeeehhhhh...oooookkkkk I guess?"
But Capcom could also sweeten the deal by adding Maverick Hunter X as well, in fact what happened to Megaman X series remake? I distinctly remember them saying they wanted to remake all 6 X games.
Honestly this review is BS. You're upset because you fell on some pits? yet Sonic Mania gets a pass on this? and then talk about weak story? well did Mario Odyssey have a story as deep as MGS of FF games? and the stages are "short because they "only" last for 2 minutes? have you even played Sonic Generations? gamespot is being über hypocritical here. Sorry but this was a shit review, from what I have seen i think the game deserves a 7/10.
Here in Austria its at the €600 range (thats almost $700) screw nvidia, the 1070 is still at the €450 range ($500) I'll just get a GTX 980 ti used and nvidia can bite me.
Dark_sageX's comments