Garbage review, I'm playing the game right now and its easily an 8/10. Not a 10/10 being
- No Horse
- Save point are not well distributed
Combat is great and requires skill, the whips is well designed for taking on multiple enemies, and for almost every enemy you have the chance of facing them one on one and you should use the opportunity to study their movements and learn how they fight so that you can effectively counter even multiple varieties of them. The reviewer just sucks. Overall I'm enjoying the game now, story is great and the pacing is good and puzzles a re brain teasing. The game might be more linear now but i don't think thats a bad thing. Over all of you enjoyed the first two games you will enjoy this game as well, its definitely inferior to Darksiders 2 but definitely not 4/10 inferior.
Are there still people playing this DLC / microtransatcion infested garbage? and lol did EA think pushing feminist agendas will make this more appealing? I like Ashoka Tano but if her purpose in this game is to push political ideals then they can go to hell.
@CorporalTurner: lol I understand that would be the normal conclusion to make but this has nothing to do with SJWs and PC culture, Fury was female since way back when the first game was even conceived. While these horsemen obviously got their inspiration from biblical scripture most of it doesn't follow the lore, for example Strife and Fury aren't even real horsemen, they replaced Famine and Plague. You should read the comics to get a better background.
Dark_sageX's comments