Looks like there is a lot of the assisting on the throws.
DarkerKamikaze's forum posts
[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]20% of 50USD is an extra few nickles a month. The increase in the price of XBL was greatly exaggerated on these forums. It's not even news-worthy, the increase is negligible. That being said, the increased price has nothing to do objectively with the option of watching ESPN3 on your TV through your 360 console. If you can't watch it, bummer, you have to worry about a negligible price increase, but don't get ESPN3. I for one would rather watch my big sporting events (usually Soccer) on my TV than my external monitor at home. I'll say it again--there is nothing to criticize about ESPN on Live.When MS tells Johnny Joe (who doesn't have espn3) that his Gold fee is being raised 20% a year because of they are now allowing other gold members to access ESPN3 over Live, that is not bad? Or maybe he has espn3, but doesn't care about sports, or doesn't care about using it on Live, because he already uses it on his Mac, but his rate is still going up 20%, that isn't bad?
You can hook your computer up to your TV, just saying :D.
I don't really use ESPN3 on my PC though because as a big sports fan I just pay for most of the sports packages from comcast.
I want the PC version, but my friends are getting the ps3 version and I'm not giving Activision $120 :(.
You do realize of course that free silver accounts have access to patches, demos, social features and achievements.... FREE.
To utilize them in the context of online gaming you have to pay.
How so? A patch is a patch. Multiplayer demos, yes I understand. But the demos are available to everyone. Which social features are you talking about? Gamercards? Achievements? Profile info? All free. How are they different in the context of online gaming. Online achievements, of course, a silver member can't get them.
But what else? Is that it? The functionality for each of those things is free and relevant even to Silver subscriptions.
It might have changed, but now that I have silver I can't send messages to people on my friends list.
. if i had both consoles, i still think i would pay for live, mainly because i would buy the multiplats on 360. if i had a ps3 only, i would probably be happy with the free online, but bemoan the slow downloads and complain when LIVE got exclusive content etc. aren't the only two people who have posted in here with both consoles both saying they prefer live. doesn't this mean something?
So I don't exsist? :P
Though I'm a bigger fan of steam than both of the consoles so I guess I don't get counted :evil:.
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