I am amazed on how many people are okay with the way the video game industry is going. Wow, guess you people stand up for nothing at all. It is a product. A product that was not as great as it was marketed to be. Some believe that the game is full of bugs and bad writing. Some people believe the game is great until the last ten minutes of the game. But to deny that people have the right to complain to a company that they paid hard earned money to because the product they bought did not deliver what the company promised is absurd. No matter how much the minority of people that liked the ending defend Bioware, it does not change the real fact that the ending is bad. It is poorly written and it is very nonsensical. It literally was the worse cop-out ending since Fallout 3 and Rage. And oh yeah Laura, BTW. Fallout 3 changed its ending. With paid DLC....
/sigh The author of this article has the right to her opinion, even if it is dead wrong. The ending is just that bad! It is not a piece of art, it is a poorly written mess! There is a reason that only the good art is remembered and the poor artist are usually starving. Seriously, I would be fired if I wrote something so horrendous for a company that had contracted my services as a freelance writer.
The amount of homophobia in these comments is staggering and just plan depressing. My God, I feel like I have to say that all Christians do not feel this way. My God doesn't preach hate and false judgement. That Bible you claim to believe in happens to say that no man has the right to judge anybody. Only God is the final arbiter. Now that we are done with that, I must say that I am a BioWare fan. However, they have really shown the influence of EA on their gaming creativity. I like Mass Effect 3, but I am just not pulled in like I have been with ME1 and ME2. A lot of it has to do with my opinion of BioWare at the moment. I like Multi-player, but it is a marketing ploy. A pretty dang fun marketing ploy, but never the less.... I guess what I am saying is, their games are losing their soul. Bioware fans can see it, some make a damn entitled mess about it. Some of us just slowly stop buying the games (which is the way to go to really make a game company shift gears). Some of us are just waiting to spend our money next game with quite a bit of apprehension....
@devastion913 Just because you see it elsewhere does not make it correct or right. They need to clean up their acts as well, especially in politics....
Hepler's problem is that she is a writer working in an industry that she really does not enjoy. That is why you hear these ideas that she said. She is not really a gamer yet she writes for a video game company. She seems like she would be more comfortable writing screenplays. I am a writer, and as a writer I believe that you have to enjoy what you are writing for. If you do not, then what are you doing in that industry? A story is great! I am all about great stories in video games. But I am also playing a game, and so I do want that game to challenge me in some way; that is why it is a game. Her ideas for video games would not make them video games anymore. Sorry, that is not what gamers are looking for and is a misguided idea to say the least. But for people to attack her sex, religion, race, and everything else because of these statements and ideas that she expressed... disheartening to say the least. What is wrong with society today when people feel like they can attack someone like this? It is pathetic and it proves to non-gamers that all of the stereotypes that are attributed to us are in actuality true. No person deserves the treatment that this woman has received. She is a human being and if any of these people attacking her had the same vitriol spouted in their direction, they would whine and cry and talk about how unfair it is.
This is what I fear is happening with Guild Wars 2. My Lord is that game being overhyped. And what will happen when it does not live up to those lofty promises....
Wow, I see a lot of Skyrim fans a little worried about this game in the comments. It is okay, your game will still be buggy and basic with its combat. I am joking, I love Skyrim. But this game is going to be awesome as well.
Darkeus' comments