Step 1:
Get a good antivirus
Step 2:
Get a good firewall
Step 3:
Get a maleware and spyware removal tool (windows malicious software removal works for this)
Step 4:
If you're running windows, get the full service scan from Live Onecare (also removes viruses, spyware, etc.)
Step 5:
Make your password impossible to guess, use unique characters from other languages if you can. Just type something at random in notepad, capitalize a few things, cut out a few similar characters, shrink it down to the maximum size and write it down in a notebook (I have all my passwords written down in a notebook, and they're all something like 1oEf2vc9Ja or something equally without meaning :D (not a real password)
Step 6:
Stop downloading random .exe's from the internet >.> and watching malicious xxx websites.
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