Darkside2501 Blog
Mario Rap Preview!
by Darkside2501 on Comments
EDIT - A better preview can be found here.
The first preview of my Mario Rap can be found below. Basically, it will just be a quick blast through the 4 staple Mario levels. Outside, Underground, Water then Castle. I was original going to animate to the music - but it's my first major project, so i'm going to keep it simple.
Anyway, a preview can be seen here. KEEP IN MIND, THE SONG IS RATED R! SWEARING AND SEXUAL REFERENCES! Also, the flash hasn't been fit to the screen - so in the final product you won't see stuff appearing on either sides of the screen like that. Also, i'm going to go back and make all the movement smoother once i've finished animating the flash in full.There is also no preloader, so it might be laggy and jumparound for people with slow internet connections. If thescreen is just blank white, give it a few minutes to fully load.Anyway, click here for the preview.
New Flash Animation Coming - SUPER MARIO RAP!
by Darkside2501 on Comments
I'm currently in the progress of creating a new animation, The Super Mario Rap. Alot of my projects consist of no more then a days work - but i'm going to be putting much more effort than usual in this one. It's about 4500+ frames long and is 190seconds. The flash will be animated to the Mike Jones song "The Super Mario Bros. Rap."
An up to date blog with screenshots can be see HERE!
2,200 Gamerscore/Newgrounds Page!
by Darkside2501 on Comments
I just passed 2,000 Gamerscore (2,200+ to be more accurate). It probably doesn't seem like alot to those 360 obsessed people who have 100,000+GS, but it's an accomplishment to me.
Also, if you didn't already know, Newgrounds.com has undergone a major redesign and now has user pages. I'll be posting blog entries there aswell, so if you have a Newgrounds account leave a comment there if you can.
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition Review + Mortal Kombat: Acapella + Mario Galaxy
by Darkside2501 on Comments
My review for Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition is up!
Isn't the box art just pure awesome?
Mortal Kombat: Acappella
It's also been awhile since i've uploadeda video, so here is MK: Acappella version. Check this out and more videos at Zero Reminition!
In Mario Galaxy, Bowser IS Uncle Phil.
Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I liked to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air
In Mushroom Kingdom born and raised
Stompin' goomba's is how I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And ground pounding turtles for Princess Toadstool
When a couple of troopa's
Who were up to no good
Startin makin trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and Luigi got scared
And Bowser took the princess to the land of Bel Air'
I whistled for Yoshi, he was still young
His saddle said fresh and he held dice in his tongue
If anything I can say this Dino was rare
But I thought 'Now forget it' - 'Yo Yosh' to Bel Air'
I pulled up to the castle about 7 or 8
And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'
I looked the castle
I was finally there
And epic battle against Bowser, in the land of Bel-Air
Doooo do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do
Annoying Chaos Organized Into Neat Categories -Zero Rem!
19 hours awake, going for 72!
by Darkside2501 on Comments
I'm trying to stay awake for aslong as I can. Without the assistance of caffine or anyone else to keep me awake. I'm not even at 24 hours yet, and i've never gone more then a day w/o sleep, but school holidays are almost over so i'm going to try.
I'm keeping a log here at my forum Zero Reminition. (sign up BTW!)
Zero Reminition - Join Today!
by Darkside2501 on Comments
I started up a forum awhile ago, it was pretty succesfull getting over 100 members within the first two weeks. Sadly, it suffered some attacks from other internet forums targeting us. I decided to abandon in. But now, it's back. After cleaning it up a bit and contacting old members, I've decided to revive it. The forum was just "revived" under an hour ago, and already a few ex-regulars have returned. There are few rules and as of tomorrow daily updates! Expect to see a new skin, new boards and the such within coming weeks, aswell as new purchases from the forum shop!
Modships are now reopened so sign up and you may get the spot. Ignore that it's a Proboards forum, it was pretty active back in the day and I play on gathering more mods, so the attackers won't bother us. Help return it to it's former glory!
Recommended viewing in IE7.
Decline of VideoGaming Released!
by Darkside2501 on Comments
Decline 4 Finally Released!
The Super Flash Bros. finally released the fourt part to their popular flash series, Decline of VideoGaming!
The flash can be seen here.
Level 11/New Review System
by Darkside2501 on Comments
For starters, I just hit Level 11. *holds for applause*
Anyway, whats everyones opinion on this new review system? Personally I think it's a bad move for Gamespot. Reviews need to be precise, .5 increments ARE NOT precise. Sure, there may not be much of a difference between 7.6 and 7.7, BUT, with the new system that 7.6 will become a 7.5 and that 7.7 becomes 8.0! Thats like saying Game A is clearly better then Game B when the difference is rather small. It's best to be precise as possible. On top of that, I like the new Navigation Bar, but the game pages looks crap. The grey and orange looks rather bland, I liked the old one MUCH better.
I really hope GS changes this back. Especially before they review a ton of games, otherwise they probably won't bother going back and fixing them, then we will have a ton of innaccurate reviews.
Tribal Wars!
by Darkside2501 on Comments
I just started playing this game called Tribal Wars. Sign up there are join World 8. If you already have an account on World 8 make sure to add me. It's a stratergy based browser game, it's better then most and it's mostly done in real time, so no "waiting for turns" and such. My account is Darkside7000.
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