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Darkside2501 Blog

Angry @ Ijji

Angry @ Ijji 

Firstly, support my idea for a TV Show so I can be rich! 

So, I used to play this game called Gunz. The graphics weren't great and it was pretty glitchy at points, but it was a fun game. I played it for a few weeks when the announced that the game will be moving to (a website aimed at online multi-player gaming). I thought it was going to be great! Better clan support, weekly updates and new game modes! But no, a few weeks later it finally launched. I downloaded the game and played for a bit. It was pretty much the same in terms of gameplay, except people were running rampant and hacking. FINALLY the staff decided to crack down on this releasing a number of patches, but then a new problem occured. Play Live errors, 00100 errors and dozens more. Some people were lucky enough to be able to play, whilst others were not - and Ijji hasn't done a thing about it. Months down the track and i'm still getting the same error from way back. I thought i'd atleast give their other games a chance - but I got similar errors on them all.

Now, I go back to try out there new game. What happens? Same errors. Seriously, Ijji wrecked Gunz and keep coming out with new games without fixing the old problems! There are people complaining on the forums 24/7, and they just tell them to do the same thing over and over. When they say it doesn't work, the staff just ignore them. This is ridiculous.


Also, a little late, but, Seinfeld as a Horror Movie (@ Michael Richards incident):


Oh, and Spaced... again...


Check my other vids out please.

Metal Gear Acid, Diablo and Mario Strikers Charged!

So today I went looking so some Gamecube games to hold me over until some good Wii games start coming out (although it's just one week until Mario Strikers Charged) but I had no luck finding any. I went to several stores, and the only Gamecube related product they had were copies of Pikmin 1 and 2, so it looks like i'll be buying online. Anyone know if Gamestop ships overseas if I buy online? And how much it will cost to do so?


Also I picked up a second hand copy of Metal Gear Acid AND a copy of Diablo for just $30 for both. No Diablo II and Metal Gear Solid: PO is nowhere to be seen.


So it looks like i'll be playing through a few older games until the good Wii games starting coming out in a few months. Also, my review for Doom is up. I recommend that you recommend it.

Gamecube Games...

So i'm thinking of buying 4-5 Gamecube games since I didn't have the cube that long last gen, so can anyone reccomend some good titles I should pick up? Obviously, theres SSBM (although it was one of the games I owned, I just want it again), and i'm thinking of getting some RE games (havn't played them since the N64 and Playstation days).

And while i'm here, anyone know the average price of these games (Australian dollars)? I should probably be able to get Mellee and the Remakes for $20 each? Also, how much will a controller cost?

Thanks in advance.

Mario Strikers Charged... (really important concerning X360, Wii and PSP VIRUS!) a game I don't own, but want (JUNE 7th! OH YEAH).

In other news I have Chrono Trigger for SNES. I think i'll play that...


lol Mario Strikers is bigger. SCREENSHOT! CHEESE!
















I love you Darkside. I love me to. Also i'm replaying Zelda: TP for some reason. This is my new favourite blog post :) smiley face

also click here lol (this blog post was made at filmspot!)

UPDATE NEW CRITIC EMBLEM kewl oh and luigi 4 brawl

I'm now an editor at (edited)

Yep - i'm the newest editor at! My guides are Solitary and TV to Go. TV to Go is a pretty awful sketch show, but i'm a big fan of the show Solitary (and a second season is coming soon!), so feel free to check out my guides and submit some info if you've ever seen either of the two shows. I should also rack up a persons guide or two soon, but is pretty slow at updating. Also, check my new editorship emblem:

I also lost two emblems today, but it has something to do with not tracking favourites properly, so they should be back soon. Also, sadly, I did not get Mario Strikers today... It's being released in June 7th, today was the European launch. I got a bit to excited and overlooked that :)

Anyway, thanks for reading.

(edit: Here is a video of Doomsdaydaves. I think it's pretty funny, worth a watch.)


Level... 14?!?!?! (Also, follow up to V-Tech Game + Funny Video + SSBB News!)

I seem to have shot up from level 5 to level 14 at I'm not sure if it's a glitch or if it's because of the 500 submissions I havn't been getting XP for. Most likely the latter. I should be the editor of a few shows soon but the points seem to be adding up slowly. Anyone know how often the points for guides are tallied? Also I got some new emblems. The Cosmic Contributor emblem and the Autobot Emblem (both at!). Here are my stats on Contribution Points and my new emblems:

Accepted: 443 Pending: 15 Denied: 74 Total: 532

Pretty good record if you ask me. I also have over 800 points at the KvS Guide, but there already is an editor and I stopped submitting. I don't wanna steal his guide.

In a follow up to this blog entry (which you should check out) comes this. The official aftermath of the V-Tech Rampage game.

Incase you havn't noticed, Mario and Link both have pages at the SSBB site and a new item has been introduced: The Gooey Bomb!

Lastly, here is a fake trailer to "Shooter." It's a cross between Happy Gilmore and real footage from the movie. To see more of my vids check the link at the top of my profile page ( Vids link). If you are a fan of Simon Pegg, Edgar Wright and Nick Frost (Shaun of the Dead/Hot Fuzz) there are two videos there from a show they did awhile back. Check them out! (PS, i'm about to have some donuts!)



The Universal Union is looking for mods! Post here to apply!


Yep. I'm starting up a union. I mentioned this in my previous blog post and am currently looking for 4-8 mods to help start it up. Basically, the union will be a General Union, ranging from Games to Sports to Telivision to Books. The Message Board will be free for all, so discuss anything there.

If you want to mod the union fill out this application and post below. Remember, the union hasn't been created first. I need 4 Moderators before it can official be created, so i'll send the invites.


How much time you can dedicate to the union daily:

Why you should get the spot:

Fill out those 3 questions and post below. Also, if you are good with graphics (and I mean good, not ok) then point that out to and leave a banner you've created or something below. Our union needs graphics and if you can supply them then you will be more likely to get the position. Also, any suggestions for a better name then Universal Union? I don't want anything that sounds to serious.